Please Help Save My Marriage


By Todd James

Warning signs are usually there but people just tend to ignore them. A lot of marriages takes a bad turn for one reason or another, lack of communication, lack of attention, enough time not being spent together or what ever the case may be. Most couples feel like the honeymoon should last forever and don't realize that marriage is hard work. If both parties does not work on it then it just becomes unimportant and could become unsalvageable. Are you ready to make the step to Help Save My Marriage?

Fighting around your children, feeling lost, scared, lonely, and feeling like your spouse does'nt understand your desires and needs are some of the emotions we go through when are marriage is failing. To start living a better and happier life, these issues need to be addressed immediatly.

If you feel you can't do it alone, turn to a trusted resource and say, help save my marriage! You may say, Easier said than done, or it's too late.The day that we stop blaming others and start looking within ourselves will be the day that you will see things start making a turn for the better, whether it is in your marriage or just in life in general. A marriage worth having is a marriage worth saving! Don't wait start taking action today.In most cases we tend to always see fault or blame the other person for all are problems. Shes always doing this and she never does that kind of stuff has to STOP NOW! However, if you and your spouse are still together, it's not too late!

In my personal search to help save my marriage, I learned that it's not always the fault of the other party. I realized I had a big part in the breakdown of communication which contributed to my marriage taking a wrong turn. Instead of planning things just myself I started thinking of activities we could do together.

I started making an effort to plan things that we could do together. I new that if I wanted to save everything we had built together, we needed more time together. Plan a dinner or just ask her to ride along with you on simple little errands. Some time is better then no time.

One thing I realized is that I kept looking at all the negative aspect about her and forgetting the good things. I new that if I wanted to help save my marriage I had get out of the habit of looking at her faults and start remembering the things that made me fall in love with her in the first place. Marriage is well worth saving but it takes some effort on are own part.

A simple rule to follow is to stop using they instead of I. Once we realize this the they and the I start becoming WE again.

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