Our Society Is Too Dependent On Credit


By Jess Arther

The economy and job situation is very bad at this time and many people are in serious financial trouble. Not only have peoples investments lost value but their homes have gone down in value too. In some cases, people now owe more on their houses than they are worth! Bankruptcies are on the rise and the number of people who are in serious debt has gone up alarmingly.

This is a first had lesson of why it is so important to not live above your means. In our society today, too much emphasis is placed on buying things on credit. It is too easy to get a credit card and people think that it is just fine to buy things before they can really afford them. Our whole society is built on credit and now a lot of bad things are resulting from it

People voted for President Obama because they wanted him to make a lot of changes. Unfortunately the only change he has done so far is to put our country deeper in debt. He has thrown a lot of money at a lot of things and his strategy seems to be that you have to spend more to make things better. This is unlikely to work as it has never worked before in the history of this country.

President Obama has given out so much money that those people who havent gotten any feel slighted. For instance, mortgage rates were lowered for some families that qualified but not for others and this has led to some anger. People have the credit card mentality that they deserve things from the government and they dont understand that the government is we. If we are broke then so is our government.

The stimulus money that Obama and congress passed is all going to come from our taxes. It seems that people think that the government has an unlimited amount of money when in fact they are in debt to us, the people. Many are now trying to see how they can get their hands on some of this money but they dont seem to care that we are all paying the bill. In fact, it might be said that the next generation will have to pay for this and that generation is our children. It is a very sad situation we have gotten ourselves into indeed.

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