Help Your Child Achieve School Success This Year


By Lori Radun

It doesn't matter whether you are sending your child off to school for the first time or tenth time, a new school year is upon us. For some children, the thought of school brings up feelings of dread, while others look forward to it. Personally, I loved school! I looked forward to the day my mother took me shopping for new clothes and school supplies.

In my own home growing up and in our family today, we take our education seriously. Although my boys are not quite as willing and excited as I was about school, I still work to instill good success habits. Here are some ideas you can use with your children to ensure a successful school year.

Establish Solid Morning, After School and Bedtime Routines

Morning, after school and bedtime routines provide consistency and structure for a child. They help children stay organized and instill good lifestyle habits. Post routines for your children outlining each specific step you want them to take. Be consistent and help your children practice these routines. When my older son Kai was diagnosed with ADHD in 3rd grade, routines kept him organized and contributed greatly to his success in school.

Teach Your Children How to Set Goals

Once you believe your children are old enough to understand, begin teaching them how to set goals. With children under age 12, keep it simple. Ask them to set one academic goal and one behavioral goal. For example, I will allow plenty of time to work on projects instead of procrastinating. Behavioral goals can include showing more respect, getting along with brothers or sisters, or doing chores on time. After age 12, show your children how to set bigger goals that require more action steps, or encourage them to set three or four goals each year. Have fun with your children creating a colorful goals sheet or vision board so they can be reminded of their goals.

Keep the Lines of Communication Open

Communication with your child and his teachers is critical to your childs success. Last school year was not an easy one for my younger son. We were in constant communication with his teacher, working together to shape his character in and out of school. Some children will voluntarily share whats on their mind, but many children internalize their experiences and feelings. Learn to ask them open ended questions instead of closed ended questions like How was school? Questions that can be easily answered with yes, no or fine dont allow us to get inside our childs world. Keep yourself emotionally available and non-judgmental so your children feel comfortable sharing. Ive always found children are more prone to share at bedtime and during active playtime.

Focus on Your Child's Interests and Talents

Every child is unique. While some thrive in sports, others are more prone to musical, academic or artistic abilities. Pay attention to what gives your children energy, and what activities they naturally gravitate towards. Nurture those interests and talents so they feel confident about being good in something. Help them to define who they are and what makes them special. There is so much competition and comparisons in schools today. Steer your children away from comparing themselves to others, and instead encourage them to compete with their own personal best. For example, when I took my son and a friend bowling, we didnt compete against each other. In the second game, we tried to beat our score from the first game.

Minimize Your Childs Stressors

Stress, believe it or not, affects a child's life as well as our own. While child stress is different than adult stress, children have their own set of pressures to deal with. Peers pressure them, teachers sometimes have high expectations, and kids are continually faced with trying new things. Stress for a child can be expressed through misbehavior, irritability or increased sensitivity. If your child is experiencing stress, incorporate stress management techniques to help them cope. Help them learn to have flexible thoughts, stand up to bullies, or manage perfectionism and procrastination. Try not to overbook the family calendar with too many extracurricular activities. Make healthy eating, exercise and proper sleep important goals for all family members.

Success in school is a building block to success later in life. Using these tips will help you and your child create and celebrate a successful school year.

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