Things I Have Learned From Girls Who Have Dumped Me


By Merrick Abner Richardson

Okay, I will admit, I've been dumped. More than once. More than I'd like to admit, actually. And, while it hurt rather a lot each time, I need to say that I have grown here are some things I've learned from girls who ve dumped me.

Things I have Learned from Ladies Who ve Dumped Me #1: It takes 2.

Often with the discomfort and heartbreak of a split, it is easy to blame the other person for your misery. But the truth is that if the relationship was no longer working, you were an element of the difficulty. Appraise what is happening so you can apply the lessons to your next relationship.

Things I've Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me two : Give girls their personal space.

Women like to hug and snuggle. They may appear to always be around. But they need their private space too. Men have a tendency to be possessive. We would like to keep tabs on where they're going and what they're doing there. If any woman has ever cheated on you, this instinct gets stronger. But, trust is a key part in a relationship. When you attack her personal space, you send the message that you don't trust your squeeze. This will simply lead to the end of the relationship.

Things I have Learned from Girls Who ve Dumped Me three : You get stronger over time.

When you wake up in the morning and the hurt's so real, you can believe that you are going to never get over the break up. But the truth is that not only does time heal all pain, but you will appear from the break up a stronger person. As philosopher Frederick Nietzsche related, "that which does not kill me only makes me stronger."

Things I've Learned from Girls Who ve Dumped Me #4: It's okay if it wasn't intended to be.

Coming to accept a relationship wasn't supposed to be is a key factor in healing. If you had started projecting your relationship into the future - considering marriage, thinking about kids - and then the woman you were with broke everything off, regard it a blessing. It's way better to end a relationship that wasn't intended to be earlier instead of later.

Things I've Learned from Ladies Who ve Dumped Me 5 : Good things don't occur unless you make them happen.

Finally, the last lesson I need to share with you is that you cannot control what happened, but you can control to how you react to what occurred. If you want good things to happen in the future, you have to make them happen.

That means getting back on the horse. Go out, meet new women. Have fun. Eventually, you will find another relationship. And, if you have followed the recommendation in this article about things I've learned from girls who ve dumped me, the relationship will be even better and stronger than the last one.

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