Why a Tongue Scraper is a Must


By Alan Rawlings

One of the most effective means of preventing bad breath is a simple, cheap method that doesn't involve buying expensive mouthwashes, gums, or any other product that requires a regular monthly expenditure. By using a tongue scraper once or twice per day, you can eliminate most of the root of your bad breath with a very simple to follow process.

The root of all bad breath comes from your tongue. The back of your tongue to be exact. Living deep within little grooves present inside your tongue are bacteria. These bacteria don't get much oxygen, and as a result, they end up smelling really bad. This is the direct source of most cases of bad breath.

While there's no outright cure for this kind of thing (though there are treatments), the good news is that regular use of a tongue scraper can do a great job at getting rid of a good percentage of these bacteria.

Not only will the use of a tongue scraper be the most effective means or preventing bad breath, but it'll also be the cheapest. Some people try to avoid the cost of paying for a tongue scraper by using their toothbrush, but this isn't a wise move for the following reasons:

1. It's very, very difficult to get a toothbrush to reach the back of your tongue. Not only can it cause your gag reflex to kick in, but it's somewhat dangerous. Without reaching the back of your tongue, you're not removing the strongest sources of odor.

2) A toothbrush, compared to the surface of a tongue scraper, is very rough. The bristles will scratch your tongue's surface, potentially doing long-term damage to its lining.

3) The surface area of a toothbrush isn't wide enough to cover your entire tongue.

A tongue scraper, on the other hand, is smooth, often bendable, and wide enough to cover your tongue's surface area as it generally removes the bacteria from the back of your tongue and drags it out of your mouth. They're also extremely affordable.

Regular tongue scraping is a cheap, healthy means of keeping your breath fresh and your mouth healthy. Used once or twice per day, a tongue scraper will be much more useful than gums, mouthwashes, or anything else that may cover up bad breath. It directly attacks (and removes) the root of the issue.

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