Are Teachers Mad (Insane Not Angry)?


By Liz Marsden

What - who's saying teachers are mad? Well it's worth a thought, and I have got evidence.... So yes, actually you are..... mad as can be - insane. Ok, I'll tell you why I think so.

Countless people in schools are having problems managing children's behaviour. I get told about what a child's done, that bad behaviour is worsening, classes out of control. Teachers are appalled that children's behaviour isn't improving whatever they do, parents aren't supportive, there must be something wrong with the child, home life is dreadful, the parents are dreadful - on and on they go.

Parents' take on the situation is slightly different - for them the school is dreadful, the teachers are dreadful, their child is bullied, not understood, has a behaviour disorder- endless complaints but defending little Johnny ...

Hm, many people unhappy, disgruntled, stressed and blaming everybody else for the problem behaviour dilemma!!

So this is my evidence for teachers being mad??? Well, yes and let me tell you why... When I ask people what they've done about altering the children's behaviour they tell me a whole host of techniques they've been using for years - but that the techniques don't work because the problem is with the child, the parents or the homelife, etc. 'So why use them if they don't work?' I ask. Is it going to work any differently by doing more of the same? No, it isn't... same input, same result.

So that makes them mad? Yup it does. What's the definition of madness?? Repeating the same thing over and over expecting a different result. But seriously, how about if you're repeating things over and over because you don't know what the alternative is, or even that there is an alternative - no-one's ever told you, you've had no behaviour management training, you haven't a clue what to do?

But seriously, in reality, thats not mad, it's sad... and it's causing stress, unhappiness, poor results and the associated ills in education and society at large. But you can do something about it - quite easily as it happens. Read Behaviour Bible, practise the techniques and apply them consistently - it soon becomes second nature. I follow my own advice every working day with the most challenging behaviour - disruptive, unhappy and confrontational children, all who are at risk of being permanently excluded from their school. But, the great thing is that you can learn to manage children's behaviour and create a stress free working environment.

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