So you have been researching LifePath Unlimited, or maybe another network marketing or home business opportunity, and now want to make the big decision about starting your own business. But wait! There are a few things to consider when looking for a mentor and team that will provide you with all the support and training you need to build a successful business.
In the LifePath Unlimited business, many teams offer a customised training for their team members. So while you will be joining the same company as your fellow associates, the training and guidance you receive may differ.
Here are some questions you can ask your potential mentor to learn about the structure of their team, to know what to expect, and to assess whether their approach fits what you are looking for:
1. About the training:
What is covered in the training; what does it involve; how it is delivered; how long does the initial training lasts for; what ongoing training is provided?
2. About availability:
What hours are you usually available (then you will know when you can contact them); are there other people available to help if you are not available; how many people are you coaching at present?
3. About philosophy:
What is your approach to the business (e.g. casual, systematic, collaborative, etc); what is the most important aspect of the business to you; how involved are you within the company's community; what are your likes and dislikes about this business?
4. About the team:
How do team members connect with each other (e.g. is there a shared site for networking); what is the team support like; what resources are shared between team members; will people who join my team have access to the same resources I have access to?
5. About marketing resources:
What marketing resources do you provide; what type of marketing do you focus on; do you help with finding leads while I am going through the training so that I can start making money right away (e.g. through a marketing cooperative); do you provide website templates and/or hosting?
Perhaps you are also asking yourself this question: "Do I need to choose an experienced and senior member in the company?" My answer is 'not necessarily'! As you have read in this article, some things are far more important than status in your choice of a mentor! Availability, resourcefulness, leadership, diligence and the right approach are the factors which should guide your decision. Remember also that with the right mentor comes a resourceful and supportive team, and its members will contribute to your success by helping you with their various experience and skills.
Lastly, starting your own network marketing business will also place you in a mentoring position, so while your team will be there to support you, think about how you will answer the questions outlined in this article as a mentor!
In the LifePath Unlimited business, many teams offer a customised training for their team members. So while you will be joining the same company as your fellow associates, the training and guidance you receive may differ.
Here are some questions you can ask your potential mentor to learn about the structure of their team, to know what to expect, and to assess whether their approach fits what you are looking for:
1. About the training:
What is covered in the training; what does it involve; how it is delivered; how long does the initial training lasts for; what ongoing training is provided?
2. About availability:
What hours are you usually available (then you will know when you can contact them); are there other people available to help if you are not available; how many people are you coaching at present?
3. About philosophy:
What is your approach to the business (e.g. casual, systematic, collaborative, etc); what is the most important aspect of the business to you; how involved are you within the company's community; what are your likes and dislikes about this business?
4. About the team:
How do team members connect with each other (e.g. is there a shared site for networking); what is the team support like; what resources are shared between team members; will people who join my team have access to the same resources I have access to?
5. About marketing resources:
What marketing resources do you provide; what type of marketing do you focus on; do you help with finding leads while I am going through the training so that I can start making money right away (e.g. through a marketing cooperative); do you provide website templates and/or hosting?
Perhaps you are also asking yourself this question: "Do I need to choose an experienced and senior member in the company?" My answer is 'not necessarily'! As you have read in this article, some things are far more important than status in your choice of a mentor! Availability, resourcefulness, leadership, diligence and the right approach are the factors which should guide your decision. Remember also that with the right mentor comes a resourceful and supportive team, and its members will contribute to your success by helping you with their various experience and skills.
Lastly, starting your own network marketing business will also place you in a mentoring position, so while your team will be there to support you, think about how you will answer the questions outlined in this article as a mentor!
About the Author:
Click here to find out about my Home Business Team and a Home Business Opportunity that can give you the high income, better lifestyle and freedom you truly deserve. Be part of my team and be supported all the way!