The mind itself is like a magnet, and what you think and see you will eventually attract. This is based upon what is called the 'Law of Attraction,' and your mind is an amazingly powerful instrument. When you believe something very strongly, it's eventually going to happen. And that means you can turn it to your favor or to your disfavor. You can have the best life if you want it, but you have to envision, feel and think it first. It's going to take some practice to get there, but as with anything, you can only succeed if you keep going. Simply, the power of your mind is truly astonishing.
And by the way, this is something that we all have. We all have the ability to use our mind's power to the best of our ability and outcomes. However, most of us don't because we just don't think we can. Yet, researchers have shown that we only use about 10% of our brainpower. Don't you think that's crazy? Most of us stick with the tried and true, things we only know, and that's what we live with. And that may be why we feel like we're having a lot of trouble. We may think negatively because we don't believe that what we want to have can actually be ours. So what that means is that we continue to attract more negative things instead of more positive things. However, if you take a look at it honestly, you'll know that the life you have in front of you is the one you've thought about and attracted to you.
But here's the simple truth. Reality first happens within your mind. Everything you've gotten to this point has been as a result of how you think. And while it's been said that everyone has some extra sensory skill or power, or that they are 'psychic,' in fact, these people really only practice an ability we have, too, which is using their advanced mind power capabilities. If you want something in life, you have to think that you can have it. And of course, if you think only the bad is going to happen, then that's what you'll end up with, too.
You can begin to increase your mind power to the positive. One of the ways you can do this is by using visualization. This is a very intense technique that will help you tap into your mind's current power. It may actually help you flip the switch in terms of gaining more power.
When you visualize, what you do is to sit down and create pictures and images inside your mind's eye. Doing so is going to bring these images to life in your own reality, but first, you have to start by thinking about it. You need to get your subconscious mind involved, too, because your subconscious mind is very powerful when it comes to creating your own real-life from the images you see. In fact, it can do this very powerfully. However, there's a caveat with this, and that is that you only think about positive things so that only the positive comes to you. So before you start with this exercise, think about how you really want your life to be before you sit down and visualize.
One good way to start doing this is to write down everything you want on paper, as though you were telling a story (or if you can't write, doing it as a checklist can be fine, too). Write down the goals you want to achieve, so that you have something to shoot for. Then, create the visions you have around those goals. When you write things down, they're harder to simply dismiss later as so much fantasy and instead become more concrete. Do this several times a day until you begin to 'live' in the reality you are imagining.
You can also increase your mind power by doing affirmations. Affirmations are simply little pieces of encouragement that you give yourself as you go throughout your day. It can be a bit of positive encouragement about anything. For example, you can say that you're going to lose 10 pounds in a month. Keep saying these positive things, and eventually, you'll see that these things just begin to happen. And it doesn't matter whether or not you're used to it at first, either. If you do something for 28 consecutive days, like any habit, it's going to become natural to you.
There's also another technique you can use to develop your mind's power, called 'entrainment.' Entrainment is simply synchronization of brain waves using different frequencies through audio technology. Our brains are naturally attuned to doing several different things, one of which is to heal themselves. You can tap into this power even more by using this kind of advanced audio-based technology. You can also enhance your memory and bring into effect the psychic powers you have, which already exist. This is a pretty advanced procedure, but it does work.
Hypnosis can also help to increase your mind power by helping you relax and get into your subconscious mind directly. For example, hypnosis has been used successfully to help others quit smoking. These people simply go into a session with a trained hypnotist, relax, and listen to the trained hypnotist tell them again and again that smoking tastes very bad, that they don't have the desire, that they're repulsed by it, and that they're ready to quit. And although this may take several sessions (just as any habit-training will), it does work. These hypnotists can help people believe for themselves that they can quit smoking. And all of that happens through the power of the subconscious mind - with a little help from the hypnotist.
Again, literally everyone has this power, the power of the mind. It's a matter of believing in your abilities and then working on developing them. Again, this isn't likely to happen overnight, but it will happen if you stay focused. You can have the life you want. You can change your circumstances from bad to good, or your luck from bad to good. As you work on developing your mind power, you can then train it out into the universe for good, so that what you put out will manifest back to you in the positive, and is what you desire. It all starts with your own mind's power. How powerful is yours?
And by the way, this is something that we all have. We all have the ability to use our mind's power to the best of our ability and outcomes. However, most of us don't because we just don't think we can. Yet, researchers have shown that we only use about 10% of our brainpower. Don't you think that's crazy? Most of us stick with the tried and true, things we only know, and that's what we live with. And that may be why we feel like we're having a lot of trouble. We may think negatively because we don't believe that what we want to have can actually be ours. So what that means is that we continue to attract more negative things instead of more positive things. However, if you take a look at it honestly, you'll know that the life you have in front of you is the one you've thought about and attracted to you.
But here's the simple truth. Reality first happens within your mind. Everything you've gotten to this point has been as a result of how you think. And while it's been said that everyone has some extra sensory skill or power, or that they are 'psychic,' in fact, these people really only practice an ability we have, too, which is using their advanced mind power capabilities. If you want something in life, you have to think that you can have it. And of course, if you think only the bad is going to happen, then that's what you'll end up with, too.
You can begin to increase your mind power to the positive. One of the ways you can do this is by using visualization. This is a very intense technique that will help you tap into your mind's current power. It may actually help you flip the switch in terms of gaining more power.
When you visualize, what you do is to sit down and create pictures and images inside your mind's eye. Doing so is going to bring these images to life in your own reality, but first, you have to start by thinking about it. You need to get your subconscious mind involved, too, because your subconscious mind is very powerful when it comes to creating your own real-life from the images you see. In fact, it can do this very powerfully. However, there's a caveat with this, and that is that you only think about positive things so that only the positive comes to you. So before you start with this exercise, think about how you really want your life to be before you sit down and visualize.
One good way to start doing this is to write down everything you want on paper, as though you were telling a story (or if you can't write, doing it as a checklist can be fine, too). Write down the goals you want to achieve, so that you have something to shoot for. Then, create the visions you have around those goals. When you write things down, they're harder to simply dismiss later as so much fantasy and instead become more concrete. Do this several times a day until you begin to 'live' in the reality you are imagining.
You can also increase your mind power by doing affirmations. Affirmations are simply little pieces of encouragement that you give yourself as you go throughout your day. It can be a bit of positive encouragement about anything. For example, you can say that you're going to lose 10 pounds in a month. Keep saying these positive things, and eventually, you'll see that these things just begin to happen. And it doesn't matter whether or not you're used to it at first, either. If you do something for 28 consecutive days, like any habit, it's going to become natural to you.
There's also another technique you can use to develop your mind's power, called 'entrainment.' Entrainment is simply synchronization of brain waves using different frequencies through audio technology. Our brains are naturally attuned to doing several different things, one of which is to heal themselves. You can tap into this power even more by using this kind of advanced audio-based technology. You can also enhance your memory and bring into effect the psychic powers you have, which already exist. This is a pretty advanced procedure, but it does work.
Hypnosis can also help to increase your mind power by helping you relax and get into your subconscious mind directly. For example, hypnosis has been used successfully to help others quit smoking. These people simply go into a session with a trained hypnotist, relax, and listen to the trained hypnotist tell them again and again that smoking tastes very bad, that they don't have the desire, that they're repulsed by it, and that they're ready to quit. And although this may take several sessions (just as any habit-training will), it does work. These hypnotists can help people believe for themselves that they can quit smoking. And all of that happens through the power of the subconscious mind - with a little help from the hypnotist.
Again, literally everyone has this power, the power of the mind. It's a matter of believing in your abilities and then working on developing them. Again, this isn't likely to happen overnight, but it will happen if you stay focused. You can have the life you want. You can change your circumstances from bad to good, or your luck from bad to good. As you work on developing your mind power, you can then train it out into the universe for good, so that what you put out will manifest back to you in the positive, and is what you desire. It all starts with your own mind's power. How powerful is yours?
About the Author:
Charlie Walbank is a writer for the website. You can enjoy the incredible experience of subconscious mind power and you can try it yourself when you find out the real undisclosed secrets of mind power when you visit here and get 29 Free mp3 audios on DVD.