Exploring The Power Of Subconscious Mind


By Kevin J Lockwood

The human mind is undeniably the most magnificent, and the most powerful thing in the universe, and the sheer power of the subconscious mind should never be underestimated. Irrespective what a person says or does, it all originates from the mind. In some cases, your actions are manifested on a subconscious level.

For example, let's say you're watching TV and you decide you would like a cup of tea, you'll then get up and go through to the kitchen to pour one. However, on other occasions you may simply stand up out of the blue and go through to the kitchen for no apparent reason, even though you may end up making yourself a cup of tea while you're there? If this has happened to you, do you ever stop to consider why you did what you did? Probably not because rather than being an action of your conscious mind, it was an action of your subconscious mind.

Just how these actions happen is nothing short of being amazing. Perhaps another program which you dislike was just about to start and your subconscious mind immediately sent out a signal for you to change channels. This is just one example of the influence your subconscious mind has over your actions. If one stops to consider just how much influence your subconscious mind can have over your actions, then it only makes sense that you need to train yourself in such a way so that you can have control over your subconscious mind. By training yourself you can improve the quality of your life significantly.

Providing you can learn how to harness and control the power of your subconscious, you'll be able to live the type of life you long for. Unfortunately, most people are brought up believing that there are many dangers lurking in the subconscious mind. Admittedly, mankind needs to understand the undesirable side of human psychology but if we spend too much time focusing on the negative aspects, we're bound to encounter negative experiences.

For this reason, it is essential to focus on the positive aspects rather than the negative ones, because in so doing, you'll be able to take the best possible approach with regards to using the subconscious mind as a tool for improving the quality of your life. You can also be rest assured that rather than being a complex process, gaining control over your subconscious mind is instead a series of simple processes. By gaining control over the power of your subconscious mind, you'll be opening a door to a world of unlimited opportunities.

In all likelihood, affirmations are probably the easiest way for you to gain control over your subconscious mind. As you may already know, affirmations is a method people use in order to remind themselves about certain aspects of their life so that it is possible for them to reach their goals.

If for example you were told that you had to draw up plans for a home, you would understandably be concerned, especially if you have never drawn up similar plans before. In fact, the very thought of it would probably leave you feeling tired and drained, which is of course a natural response to a stressful situation. However, when you're feeling tired and you lack energy, the task of drawing up plans would seem even more daunting. On the other hand, by using affirmations it could be possible to overcome your negative state of mind which in turn would allow you to tackle the task more effectively. Now, let's take a quick look at just how this can be accomplished.

In other words, you need to constantly remind yourself (affirmation) just how capable you are of doing the task, and how much you will benefit from it. You could even stand in front of the mirror and affirm that nobody is more capable of completing the task than you are. You need to convince yourself that you are in fact so capable, that by that time you've finished the task it will be almost unbelievable.

Of course, affirmations can also be used successfully to break certain habits such as smoking, drinking, or even overeating. Studies which have been carried out within a scientific framework have shown that the subconscious mind can be controlled with constant repetition of affirmations. This applies irrespective of whether you choose written or verbal affirmation.

Post hypnotic suggestion is another common method used in order to harness the power of the subconscious mind. This can be done either with the help of a professional therapist, or it can be done by means of self hypnosis, using specially created audio recordings.

While both of the above mentioned methods are known to be highly effective, there is however another process which is still relatively new, and this involves synchronizing the brain waves of the two hemispheres in the brain. This process, known as binaural beats, employs the use of different sound frequencies played into each ear through a set of headphones. The frequencies used are only slightly different from each other but it is sufficient enough to result in an almost instantaneous meditative state of mind. Of course, it is this state of mind which is ideal in terms of allowing the conscious mind to communicate with the subconscious mind.

In fact, this whole process can be taken a lot further, as has been demonstrated by Buddhist monks for centuries. As you may have already have heard, some monks have so much control over their subconscious minds, that they're able to exhibit what could best be described as being supernatural powers in that they are able to levitate.

Books and movies have made a huge effort in trying to explain how it's possible that people can essentially manipulate matter by using the power of the subconscious mind. This a phenomenon is nowadays known as the 'Law of Attraction' and it is not only a theory, but rather a fact in that it's a physical law which has been proven to work. In other words, you can get certain things out of life simply by communicating successfully with your subconscious mind.

Admittedly, this may sound a bit far fetched, but thanks to advances in quantum physics, it has been possible to prove that many of the ancient religions have been right all along in saying that the reality we live in is simply a product of the human mind. Even mysteries such as psychic capabilities, has been explained in scientific terms thanks to advances in quantum physics.

One thing is for certain and that is that the subconscious mind is significantly more powerful than what people tend to realize. As such, you should never overlook or ignore the potential benefits you to stand to gain once you discover how to control and manipulate your subconscious mind. Not only will it enable you to change certain behavior traits such as bad habits, but it will also allow you to live a life you never thought possible.

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