Tips on Prospecting To Generate New Leads


By Mcknight Norris

Ever notice how difficult it is to start a project? Then once you start it, it easily becomes a creature of habit. Take for example an exercise program. We keep putting it off but once we start, we ask ourselves, "why didn't do this earlier?" We seem to have the same mindset with proactive prospecting. We continue to find excuses not to prospect even though we know how productive and the positive results that will come from it. So why is it that we will make every excuse in the world not to do it?

The key word is commitment. Commit to setting an appointment with yourself for one or two hours each day. Start with utilizing your resources such as your sphere of influence. It is easy to say to ourselves, "Well, I have a lot to do today so I'll start prospecting tomorrow or next week". Prospecting not only requires commitment but discipline as well. You are important so make that daily appointment with yourself just as you would will any potentially important customer or client.

Have a specific message. Everyone needs to hear the latest news of markets conditions in your area. It's likely that they have some misinformation and you can become the expert to help them get a more accurate picture.

Make as many contacts as possible. Before prospecting, you should always take the time to properly define your target market, and try to reach as many of those people as possible.

I would highly suggest having a database of at least one month's supply of names. The time allocated for prospecting should not be wasted looking up names or deciding at that moment who you are going to talk to next. Be prepared and watch how much more productive you will become.

Work in a private and quiet area so there are no disruptions. Do not answer calls from other clients or colleagues. Believe me, they will wait an hour or two for you to call them back. Remember, this is your time and will put you on the path to success. Get in the habit of doing this daily or at least every other day. As time progresses and with each call, your expertise will increase. The more we practice anything, the better we become.

When calling, decide on a time slot and try to stick with it. Maybe 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM or 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM. There will be customers that seem impossible to get a hold of. You will have to set aside another time of day and try to call those customers. We are all creatures of habit (Hint). They are probably in a routine between a certain timeframe, so you need to try and catch them at a different time or different day.

Be persistent. Be motivated. Be disciplined. These will be some of your best merits. Most quality contacts are made after the fifth call. Don't stop or give up. Keep pursuing your dreams. Hard work and dedication will always lead to success.

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