The usage alcohol and drugs, or rather, the abuse of these substances, are said to be the root of all evils, that is, along with money. There certainly is truth in this claim. They make those who use them inebriated to the point of sometimes not really having control of what they do. Oftentimes, being inebriated with drugs and/or alcohol would cause crimes to be committed; crimes that would later on be regretted by the offender for the rest of his or her life.
Because the abuse of alcoholic beverages and drugs would generally bring more negative effects than positive ones, offices, schools, and other agencies want to make sure that the people who will become a part of their institutions are not in any way abusing these substances. Making sure that they are not drugs and alcohol abusers creates a more secured environment anywhere. Given this point of consideration, a lot of establishments are making sure that people who are employed by them or who are studying in their institutions are drug-free and alcohol-free.
There are different methods in determining whether a person has a tendency for substance abuse or not. These methods include the use of hair, urine, blood, saliva, sweat, and hair specimens. There are different processes depending on the specimen to be used, and, at the same time, there are different windows of detections. The costs are also different, and some are said to give accurate results while some would yield not so accurate results. Which among the different methods work the best then?
Today, the popularity of using the hair strand test is rising on a steady scale. Companies, agencies, schools, and other institutions who have had the privilege to use it are claiming that, by far, it is the most accurate method in order to help detect substance abuse in anybody. What, then, are the benefits of the hair strand test?
The benefits of the hair strand test are the following:
1. Hair strand test is non-intrusive, making it more convenient for anybody who is going to have to undergo it.
2. Hair strand test is efficient in detecting the history of drugs and alcohol. In fact, its window of detection may reach up to 12 months.
3. Hair strand test is difficult to tamper with since test supervisors are present during the collection of the samples.
4. Hair strand test can detect alcohol and five major drugs (cocaine, marijuana, opiates, methamphetamine, and phencyclidine.
These advantages are enough to convince different sectors to opt for the hair strand test. If you are the one in charge of making sure that your establishment Is drug-free and alcohol-free, you should try it out.
Because the abuse of alcoholic beverages and drugs would generally bring more negative effects than positive ones, offices, schools, and other agencies want to make sure that the people who will become a part of their institutions are not in any way abusing these substances. Making sure that they are not drugs and alcohol abusers creates a more secured environment anywhere. Given this point of consideration, a lot of establishments are making sure that people who are employed by them or who are studying in their institutions are drug-free and alcohol-free.
There are different methods in determining whether a person has a tendency for substance abuse or not. These methods include the use of hair, urine, blood, saliva, sweat, and hair specimens. There are different processes depending on the specimen to be used, and, at the same time, there are different windows of detections. The costs are also different, and some are said to give accurate results while some would yield not so accurate results. Which among the different methods work the best then?
Today, the popularity of using the hair strand test is rising on a steady scale. Companies, agencies, schools, and other institutions who have had the privilege to use it are claiming that, by far, it is the most accurate method in order to help detect substance abuse in anybody. What, then, are the benefits of the hair strand test?
The benefits of the hair strand test are the following:
1. Hair strand test is non-intrusive, making it more convenient for anybody who is going to have to undergo it.
2. Hair strand test is efficient in detecting the history of drugs and alcohol. In fact, its window of detection may reach up to 12 months.
3. Hair strand test is difficult to tamper with since test supervisors are present during the collection of the samples.
4. Hair strand test can detect alcohol and five major drugs (cocaine, marijuana, opiates, methamphetamine, and phencyclidine.
These advantages are enough to convince different sectors to opt for the hair strand test. If you are the one in charge of making sure that your establishment Is drug-free and alcohol-free, you should try it out.
About the Author:
In a world of changing ethics and propelling questions a hair alcohol test has a variety of uses. Hair alcohol testing is something the athletic organizations, forensics, insurance companies and large corporations will need to be aware of. Hair alcohol testing is one of the top methods because it can provide an accurate history of use and is the longest lasting piece of evidence.