The Flood of the Bible-A Cataclysmic Flood


By Judy Stevens

The Flood of the Bible is a great story to tell our children. Many think it is just a myth however there are many ways to prove this event took place as the bible said it did. We know this by the earth's crust and what it tells us.

Fossils are numerous, in fact, found to be in the billions. There are many fossils already found and still many more to be found. These are the storytellers of our earth's history and why Noah came to build the ark. The proof of this biblical flood is found by the way the fossils were discovered. The earth's surface consists of sedimentary rock and creates a mold of any living thing that was in existence many years ago. The formations were etched into the rock and pushed by water flowing rapidly to new places. The pieces of rock and living molds were then redeposited into the place where they were found or exist now. Many people have found fossils everywhere and it has become common. But deep within the rock, there are tree fossils and fish fossils, and many other type of fossils that normally would not exist there. For example, a fish, or oyster fossil can be found high on a mountain top or a tree fossilized sideways in a rock wall. How is this explained?

The earth is made up of volcanic igneous and metamorphic rock. The majority of the earth is sedimentary and makes up 70% of the earth's surface. These trees that were buried upside down on a mountain or sea urchins found on top of a mountain tell them these creatures had to have redeposited themselves by means of fast moving water or the flood of the bible. And these objects are not just found in one part of the world but in every part of the world.

Many of the fossils are fish, marine invertebrates, algae, plants and shellfish. Insects, land vertebrates and dinosaur bones also are found as fossils. If a person goes on a hike or even walks around his back yard he may very likely find a fossil or a sign of a time when a Great Flood or the Flood of the Bible existed on earth.

Scientist's and laymen alike have all witnessed signs of the Flood of the Bible. Through the study of fossils we learn more and more of the universal truth's of the earth.

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